
If you look up high enough you can see your thoughts

Friday, January 7, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog post

Hello for the first time.  This is my first blog post and in starring at a blank screen is harder on the nerves than moving the fingers and seeing words form. Now is the difficult part for me what to speak about next. 

I titled my post because that is where I will be writing from.  I walk through the world thinking about training and some of the world around training.  Corporate training is the start of "brainwashing" that's the world I work in and now you will be getting a chance to read from the mind of a trainer in the world. 

Today I made a call to change a reservation for a hotel.  Before the person answers the phone the same message is heard, "For quality assurance your call may be monitored for training purposes."  But this time I get a computer voice asked if I could stay on the line after the call for a survey. So the trainer in me stays on the line and I talked to the reservationist for a few minutes had no problem and answered the survey.

Than I started to think about who really takes the extra few minutes on the call to answer a survey about the service they provided.  This happens to me all the time and for a first post I think you can start to see where things may go from here. All I will say is...

Stick around and you will see.


  1. Edwin, the perspective you will offer has great value within whatever community you are part of - no one else sees through your mind's eye. As a trainer you will reflect on these tools in a way that will help your audience "see" them differently. And you will do the same as you visit other's blogs. Connect with and enjoy the process:).

  2. Nice narrative style, Dued. I hope you don't mind being called "Dued" - it is a trade mark from my cultural heritage - The 80's. I look forward to reading more. Perhaps through through "training", humanity can mature and evolve into grace. Brainwashing is a better alternative to brain deification.

    Cheers, Mark (the dued from Georgia)
