
If you look up high enough you can see your thoughts

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wk 3- Wimba post

Photo by frankenstoen Via Flickr
This week in Wimba I felt like my head was going to explode.  With the end of the program in sight putting together the finishing touches seems like the most complex work we have done yet or at least that's how if feels to me listening to the archive. 
Wimba covered the abstract, publishing, and final project for the program and it seems like I can see the top of the mountain and it is straight up. 
I plan on tackling it like I've done the entire program one task at a time and not focusing on too many things.  In doing so the abstract does not seem as difficult I once thought it was.  Slow and steady wins the race and goal is to make the push towards the end of the marathon. 

I have to thank Rick again as he seems to ask the questions I have while I'm watching the Wimba session.

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